Fire Rescue Photos
Fire Rescue Photos features the work of Jon Freilich, a commercial photographer in Dallas who has been taking pictures of the Dallas Fire-Rescue Department since 1997.

Images on this web site are protected by copyright and may not be used without permission. Please contact Jon, via the link below, for information on licensing these images for commercial or editorial use.

If you are a student or teacher you may use images from this web site for your class reports or presentations with the following restrictions: You may not sell the material or charge admission to your presentation of material containing pictures from this site. You may not post these images to a publicly available web site.

Due to other obligations, the print ordering system on this site has been taken off-line. If you are interested in ordering a color print please check back in a few months.
Visit Jon's Commercial web site at:
©1996-2003, Freilich Creative Services. All Rights Reserved.